A Long Weekend in Paris & Rome (on a budget)!

I'm currently sitting in the FCO International Airport as I write this. It's 2:43am, and I'm waiting to board my flight to Ukrine, which will then take me to New York, where I will stay until my flight home to New Orleans tomorrow. This is what happens when you wait until the last minute to book a flight home, but, nonetheless here we are!

I'm coming home from a 5-day trip abroad to Paris and Rome. I was supposed to meet my friend Hannah in Santorini to shoot a wedding, but American Idol called (literally) and the auditions ended up being on the same day. It was cheaper for me to just eat 1 plane ticket cost rather than cancel everything, so I ended up taking half of the trip anyway! 

Up first: Paris


I had 18 hours in Paris and it rained almost the entire time I was there! No worries, I ran around in the rain like a crazy person trying to do all the things I could without freezing to death! I stayed in the heart of Le Marais at this Airbnb, which was a literal hallway but had such an amazing view and was all I needed for that short of a stay! But, I did find this gem of an interiorthis gorgeousness (by typing in "Parisian Airbnb crown molding" into Google) AND this insane view. ALSO if you're rich AF you should stay here. If you do that, can I come?


I had a very interesting experience with a Parisian model at this random cafe (more on that later), and spent 20 minutes walking in the freezing rain to finally get to Sézane! It was everything I could have imagined it to be. 

Jump to: Rome


I stayed at this Airbnb which, again, was a literal hallway BUT ya girl was on a budget. It had an elevator and was on a busy, lit street with a bunch of restaurants so I always felt safe walking home at night. Truly truly, the wifi was so spotty I'll never stay there again. It was scary to not be able to get in touch with people or even call an Uber as a girl alone in Rome! 

P.S. I did some more research and after spending my evenings wandering around the more touristy areas, it's probably smarter to book a hotel closer to the heart of Rome rather than the Roma Termini. My fav travel babe Tiffany stayed here and it looked amazing! 


I'm working on a breakdown of what I did and what I recommend for each city. It's coming soooo soon! 
